Welcome Fellow Wholesaler!

Hello and welcome to my resources. I’m assuming if you’re here it’s because you saw me on YouTube or some social media channel and wanted to learn more about wholesaling real estate. I’m happy to help you on your wholesaling journey and to educate you as much as I can.

Below are some of the products I use in my day-to-day operation. Some are free and some are paid. I plan on developing this page to help you navigate through all the products. If you are new, then you won’t need all of these tools to wholesale real estate, however, they are helpful.

Marketing Tools

Utility Tools

Free Tools

Carrot: Easy to Use & Build Wholesaling Websites

BatchLeads: Texting & Skip Tracing Platform

REI Reply: Texting Platform

Deal Machine (Driving for Dollars): Best Driving for Dollars App (7-day trial of DealMachine will receive $15 free Marketing Credits in their account. This is good for 100+ free skip traces or 25+ free mailers in the DealMachine app.)

PropStream: Pull Lists, Skip Trace, Research Property Details

Cheapest Bandit Signs: Crazy Cheap Bandit Signs

Mojo Dialer: Cold Caller Dialer

Constant Contacts: Email Marketing System

CallRail: Track your numbers: By signing up with this link, you’ll get a $100 gift card!

Fiverr: Freelance service marketplace

iLoveIMG (photo shrinking site): Shrink those Hi-Resolution Photos

CashApp: How I Pay My JV Partners and Contractors (Get $5 Just for Signing Up!)

Venmo: Another Way I Pay My JV Partners and Contractors (Get $10 Just for Signing Up!)

DivDat (Detroit Water Bills, Blight Tickets and Taxes): DETROIT ONLY (Mobile App) – Find out taxes, water bills and blight tickets

HelloSign: Send Contracts via Email for Signature

Rakuten: Cash Back Bonuses!

GoDaddy: When You Need to Buy a Domain

SiteGround: When You Need Webhosting

DocScan Pro: Great iPhone App for Scanning Docs

Redfin: My Favorite Market Research and Comparables Tool

Zillow: My 2nd Favorite Site to do Market Research

Rentometer: Found Out the Current Market Rent

Dropbox: Best Way to Share Your Wholesale Photos

Canva: Create Marketing Flyers for Free!

Evernote: Keep Notes on the Cloud

Gmail: Free Email & Cloud Based File Storage

Karls Mortgage Calculator: How I Work Out Land Contract Terms

BiggerPockets: The Best Real Estate Investing Forum

MailChimp: Email Marketing System